Just another false Ultra Orthodox Messiah

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (April 5, 1902 OS[1] – June 12, 1994.

If you travel to Israel, you will not be able to miss the posters of this false Messiah.

In 1999, on the fifth anniversary of his death, the US New York based Rabbi Schneerson’s presence has not diminished,. But one question has divided the Lubavitch community:

Is he or isn’t he the messiah?

When he died on June 12, 1994, at the age of 92, Schneerson was one of the best-known leaders in the Jewish world.

As spiritual leader of the Lubavitchers — the most visible of the ultra-Orthodox Hasidic groups — for 44 years, Schneerson rebuilt a movement the Holocaust had nearly destroyed. In the years before his death, the group was receiving more than USD 100 million in donations.

Unlike other, more insular Hasidic groups, Schneerson used newspapers and billboards and his “mitzvah mobiles” — RVs that took the Lubavitch message to the streets — to draw nonreligious Jews to the Lubavitch ways.

With a network of missionaries, called emissaries, and religious institutions ranging from yeshivas to Chabad Houses — which offer spiritual, social and educational services.

Schneerson created a small but zealous movement that penetrated the secular world and provided a Jewish presence in places where otherwise there was none, from Shanghai to Katmandu to Alabama.

Schneerson, who had no children and had not appointed a successor, suffered a stroke in 1992 that left him unable to speak for the rest of his life.

When Schneerson died in 1994, some predicted the movement would crumble without him at the center. Many outsiders and Lubavitch officials assumed messianic beliefs would fade as well.

During his lifetime many of his followers had considered Schneerson to be the Jewish Messiah. And even after his death, some continue to await his return as the Messiah.

Source: rickross.com

My comment:

Through the history, since The failed  Bar Kokhba revolt (132–136 AD) the majority within the Jewish community have kept on looked for the Messiah.

When Yeshua arrived in Jerusalem 2.000 years ago, many believed in Him. Others was waiting for a King, that would liberate Israel from Roman occupation. They refused to listen to the Prophetic Word in Isaiah, that explained the the Messiah would be pierces for their transgressions:

 Isaiah 53:5
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Under the Jewish feast of Hanukkah, the Jews asked Jesus is He could keep the Jews under occupation, or suspension. 

 John 10:24
The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.”

Ultra Orthodox Jews are waiting, and waiting, and waiting in vain for the return of their dead Rabbi. He can not hear, not listen to their prayer to him.

The Messiah Yeshua has already come. He died on the cross at Calvary Hill and paid the perfect atonement for the sins of every human being.

If you give you life to Him, you will spend the eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven.

When Yeshua returns, He will appear as the Lion of Judah. Stern judgment are waiting all who have rejected Him.

Written by Ivar

3 thoughts on “Just another false Ultra Orthodox Messiah

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  1. Is it known what day of the week, using the modern Calendar, that Yahsua died and what day exactly he was risen, was he 3 days and 3 nights, I have seen some challenge what is written in the English translation of Luke. I have heard it speculated he died on a Wednesday and was raised on the Saturday, and what date was this, looking for more insight on it.

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