Israel forced to fund Islamic Palestine

100 million fresh US dollar. That is the latest bonus from Israel to Islamic Palestine.

Benjamin Netanyahu is a prisoner of the Oslo-accords, that forces Israel to fund Islamic terrorists

The inner cabinet decided Wednesday to release USD100 million in Palestinian tax revenue that Israel has been withholding since the beginning of the month. The decision applied to the funds meant to be transferred in October and November, Israel Radio reported.

Netanyahu told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday that he supported transferring the money now because the situation with the Palestinians had “calmed down,” and the Palestinian Authority has at least temporarily put a hold on seeking statehood recognition in various UN bodies.

The decision to freeze the money, which according to EU numbers makes up some 30 percent of the PA budget, was taken at the beginning of the month after UNESCO voted to accept the Palestinians as a full member.

In addition to freezing the funds, Israel also decided to react to that move by accelerating the building of some 2,000 housing units in Jewish neighborhoods in east Jerusalem, as well as in Efrat and Ma’aleh Adumim.

Source: Jerusalem Post.

The comment:

In international wind blows in the direction of the acceptance of a Nazi-style Islamic state on the mountain of Zion.

The International community is together putting pressure on Israel, to force her to join their efforts to fund and support this hybrid statehood. These are the fruits of the so called Oslo accord, that legalized the PLO as statesmen and “peace makers”.

Islam rejoices over yet another political victory over Israel. It is just a matter of time before the Jewish state has been delegitimized, and the gates of Zion will be left wide open for all kinds of anti-Jewish falsehood. It will be branded as a “peace offer”, and the secular Israeli government will accept the offer.

The last and final regime in Jerusalem before the Messiah return, will be a “peace administration”, that in secret forums will plan how to dissolve the state that has a Jewish majority. Either by more political pressure, or by more missiles fired into cities like Asdod and Haifa.

Written by Ivar

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