Israel: UNESCO and UN destroy chances for peace

Netanyahu asks for accelerated construction of 2,000 housing units. The cabinet also decides to halt money transfers to PA.

Benjamin Netanyahu is battling for the very survival of Israel. Obama gives him lukewarm support.

In a series of retaliatory moves against the Palestinian Authority, Israel on Tuesday night agreed to accelerate Jewish construction over the pre-1967 line and to temporarily suspend the transfer of tax funds to the PA.

The PA immediately slammed the two decisions by the inner cabinet of eight ministers, which had convened for hours.

Source: Jerusalem Post

My comment:

How can UNESCO recognize a state based on the following facts:

1. This state has no borders.

2. This state is split into two areas. Inside each area two Islamic militant organization cripples and kill each rivals members.

3. If this state is established, the free and democratic state of Israel will be split in two, by a new corridor.

4. This state has no legitimate president. His term in office expired in 2009, and he do not control the territory of Gaza, which is supposed to be included in the new statehood.

5. This state is based on an ideology, that the new UN statehood must become ethically cleansed for Jews. There is already a death penalty enforced for Arabs who sell land to Jews in this area.

6. This state has no sea borders, and no airport. It the temporary administration had lost funds from Europe and USA, it would have gone bankrupt within months.

7. This state have never existed before in history. Still it claim half of the capital if Israel to be reoccupied by Islamic forces, and made capital in this hybrid statehood.

This claimed statehood is built on lies, and lies without end. The formation of such a state is based on Jew-hate, on pure motivation of destroying the only state in the World, where the Jews are in majority.

Written by Ivar

4 thoughts on “Israel: UNESCO and UN destroy chances for peace

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  1. The name “Palestine” was created by the Romans in AD 135 to occupy the Promise Land for the Jews. Now the same old Romans, be it UNESCO, or the Roman Catholic Church, … are working hard to make it into a state of Satan Allah. These are the anti-Christs, Jew-haters. They will fail, as the Babel Tower failed.

  2. The Palestinian national movement is the only one of its kind in the entire world, and across all of world history, whose sole paradigm is terrorism and whose unique and unrelenting goal is the destruction of a sovereign state and the genocide of its citizenry

    1. Dear Mauricio Alonso

      Shalom, and welcome to this site.

      You wrote:

      The Palestinian national movement is the only one of its kind in the entire world, and across all of world history, whose sole paradigm is terrorism and whose unique and unrelenting goal is the destruction of a sovereign state and the genocide of its citizenry

      My reply:

      In two lines, this is the truth. Their agenda is like the agenda of Nazi-Germany. If we now lived in 1938, both Ramallah and Gaza would be hailing Hitler. And so would many of the present World Leaders.

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