Movie “With God on our side” attacks Christian Zionism

This video is a very slick, visually alluring attack on the activities of Christian Zionists.

An image from the movie "With God on our side", that attacks Christian support for Israel.

Some of you may have heard about a video currently making large waves in the English speaking Christian world called “With God on our Side.”


from Aaron in Jerusalem.

This video is a very slick, visually alluring attack on the activities of Christian Zionists.  Among other things, it repeats the canard that Christian Zionists are simply supporting Israel because we want to usher in Armageddon.  It also accuses Christian Zionists of being racists who support Israel because we hate Arabs (including Arab Christians) and don’t care about their suffering, etc.

This film is gaining wide circulation in the Christian world and there have already been churches in the US and Europe which stopped supporting Messianic congregations here in Israel after watching this movie.

To me, that just proves that their roots in the Bible and the Spirit were probably never very deep to begin with, and we would have lost their support sooner or later anyway.

One of the chief voices in the film is a professor from Wheaton College in Illinois named Dr. Gary Burge.  Wheaton used to be one of the premier Evangelical Christian institutions in the US but it has started to slip in recent years.

Dr. Gary Burge.

For his part, Dr. Burge unapologetically paints the Gospel in secular humanist hues, not only in the classroom but in the numberous books and other publications he produces. The fact that he is a “Professor at a prominent Evangelical Protestant University” gives him credibility he doesn’t deserve.

But Dr. Burge does say one thing in the movie that is absolutely true.

He tells people watching that they must choose between basing their support for either Israel or the Palestinians (a false choice, but never mind) on “prophecy, or justice.”

He’s absolutely right.

“Prophecy” meaning, the Bible, is the ONLY reason anyone has for supporting the State of Israel.

If one is more concerned with humanist ideas of “justice” than one should not support the State of Israel.

Dr. Gary Burge and those like him have made their choice, to treat the Bible like a salad bar, taking the parts they like, ignoring the rest, twisting the plain, unambiguous meaning of passages that are too obvious even for them to ignore and filling in the blanks with secular humanist ideas like “justice” and “social progress.”

Dr. Burge is also one of the foremost voices in academia promoting the idea that “Jesus’s message and sayings must be taken in their cultural and historic context” which is just a fancy way of saying that Jesus was just a man like any other and what He had to say is interesting but not particularly relevant for us today.

If you believe that than how much more irrelevant are the promises that God made to the Children of Israel in the Old Testament, including the promise that the Land of Israel would be theirs “for an everlasting possession”?

Dr. Burge is a textbook (no pun intended) example of what happens when you take an academic view of the Bible and go looking for “The historical Jesus” instead of the Jesus who is alive and the same “yesterday, today and forever.”

As the angel in the empty tomb asked Mary Magdelane (and all of us, including Gary Burge) “Why do you seek the living among the dead?”

Jesus is not dead, He is risen, He is alive, He is sitting right now at the right hand of the Father, and what He said 2000 years ago here in Jerusalem He was saying to us here today as much as He was saying to those who were with Him at that time.

With all due respect to Dr. Gary Burge’s many academic achievements, publications and titles, the “historical context” of Jesus’ teachings are irrelevant, because the wisdom and commandments He spoke were coming from God Himself, who is eternal and does not operate in human terms of  cultural or historic “context.”

If you don’t believe that, than there’s no reason to call yourself a “Christian” because you’ve rejected the very foundational belief upon which the word and the concept is based.

It is useful to study the world Jesus lived in because it can help you understand some of His parables and some of the terminology.  But if you take it further than that, you’re just giving the flesh an opening to mislead you away from the plain, unambiguous meaning of His timeless message.  Some people take this in another direction and get caught up in the “Jewishness” of Jesus and start aping the Rabbinic traditions, but that’s a message for a different email.

All of that having been said, if you have seen this movie “With God on our side” or if you are trying to argue with someone who has seen it and is now trying to convince you that your support for Israel is not righteous, one of the best tools I can give you is the knowledge that many of the most passionate and on-fire Believers who support this country are Arabs who used to be Moslems.

Since they became Believers, God put His love for Israel and the Jewish people in their hearts, and they are now spokesman for the very “Christian Zionism” that is so vilified in this “With God on Our Side” movie.

Below is a link to an article about one such man, and those of us who work in media are working on putting together more such accounts.

In the meantime, please share this article far and wide with as many people as you can, and continue to pray for truth and righteousness to shine forth through the lies and deceit of the Enemy, and those who (perhaps unknowingly) do the Enemy’s work in this world.

God bless you all!

Link to an interesting article in Jerusalem Post.

Read more about “With God on our side“.

First published 25.08.2010.

Written by Ivar

12 thoughts on “Movie “With God on our side” attacks Christian Zionism

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  1. Jesus is not dead, He is risen, He is alive, He is sitting right now at the right hand of the Father, and what He said 2000 years ago here in Jerusalem He was saying to us here today as much as He was saying to those who were with Him at that time.


  2. “There is no Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female.”


    The entire book of Hebrews offers in the new reality that the “old is obsolete”. God is not viewing humanity through the lenses of entitlement (he actually never was…), but through the lenses of the Kingdom of God.

    I won’t argue about Dr. Burge or “With God on Our Side”…I reside with the full council of God and the Kingdom that is “forcefully advancing” to ALL people.

    1. Dear Jordan.

      Shalom, and welcome to this site.

      You wrote:

      “There is no Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female.” Period.

      My reply:

      Strangely enough, we are still male and female. But In Heaven, when we are one in Christ, we will get a body that have no sexual orientation. Not so strange, there are still Greeks also. And a couple of hundred other nationalities. But in Heaven, there will no longer be several nations, but one united Kingdom. There seems to be a lot of slaves also around us. Still. But not in the eternal perspective….

      Many people use this verse, for pure antisemitism. And say there are no Jews…..Please open your eyes, and see the beautiful regathering of His chosen people, back to Zion in 1948.

      People who can not see this, are blinded by the Father of all lies, Satan.

  3. the “historical context” of Jesus’ teachings are irrelevant, because the wisdom and commandments He spoke were coming from God Himself, who is eternal and does not operate in human terms of cultural or historic “context.”

    This statement is absolutely false.

    1. That was my thought exactly when reading this statement, absolutely false, sadly ignorant. It seems obvious that if you believe Yeshua was the “Son of God” and “Messiah” and the incarnation of the Divine will, you will not understand anything he did or said (and therefore the meaning of what God was doing on earth) unless you understand his cultural, political, religious and historical context for his life and death. If you refuse to understand that, you refuse to actually follow Jesus, but rather follow your own idol and religious projections.


    Mr. Haas, Vice President of World Vision, is a collaborator and co-conspirator with Stephen Sizer, bringing a curse down on himself re Israel. Here is why he is also a traitor to Israel betraying them:

    This brings a whole new magnitude to the urgency of sounding the alarm on his Holy Hill about him and World Vision.

    Now I am compelled to add his treason to my expose on them as well as warn all of the ministries in Israel I know.

    Hitler and the Muslim Brotherhood have also sought to dispossess Israel of the land that God gave them.

    I must commend Jan Markell for her article exposing the movie at:

    I have twice asked Steve Haas for proof or any evidence that I have born false witness against Rick Warren. NO RESPONSE. I asked him if he is a Christian. NO RESPONSE. Gregg Jackson asked him to provide evidence against James Sundquist testimony. NO RESPONSE. I wrote both Peggy Wehmeyer and World Vision who said in their email autoresponse they would absolutely respond in 2-3 business days. I made two submissions. In both cases…NO RESPONSE, so they are self-indicted.

    James Sundquist
    Rock Salt Publishing

    DISCLAIMER: Rock Salt Publishing was founded by author James Sundquist as a voluntary discernment ministry to assist those who have been affected by the abuse of ecclesiastical power or false doctrine. The contents of all of the emails, articles, blogs, books and broadcasts have been researched very thoroughly and carefully. Where applicable, both documentation and supportive Scripture references are provided. It is a very serious matter to bring charges against any organization or individual, and therefore if anyone reading these charges is able to substantiate that they are false, please bring this to our attention.

  5. I can’t understand how can people call themselves “Christians” yet they look at the Bible like atheists; and how can they be against Israel, the very Tree they are engrafted onto?! No, they are not Christians, they are goats and wolves in sheep’s clothing!

    1. As you say, they oppose Israel which is a fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies uttered by the Lord s prophets, yet they have no problem with Joshuas conquest in the first place. Whats the difference? Both were by the Lords hand.

  6. Israel isn’t always the innocent party. Genesis records how Abraham and Issac were the guilty party when they said their wives were their sisters when they were afraid. We must also remember the old covenant is no longer in effect. Yes Paul wrote that God is not finished with Israel but 1948 does not necessarily mean the budding of the fig tree as some teach. What we do know is that according to Ezekiel, Israel will commit genocide in a future war. Obadiah prophisied the same thing. If we should do anything for Jews it’s to show them they need Christ as their Messiah otherwise the survivors of the tribulation will mourn when they see Christ return and realize how wrong their ancestors were.

  7. Another reason to mark and expose Stephen Sizer…enemy of Israel.

    James Sundquist

    January 8, 2014

    Dear Stephen Sizer,

    This is my second request and followup inquiry to you regarding Rick Warren, regarding Rick Warren’s statement about his Purpose Driven Life Book: “best selling non-fiction hardback book in history”, which I refute at:

    I see that as late as yesterday that you are still promoting Rick Warren. If you don’t believe me that his claim about the sales of his PDL has no foundation in fact, since you know him well, ask him directly for the date, issue, and page number of the Publishers Weekly citation. Also ask the President George Slowik of Publishers Weekly, as I did, and you will be able to verify that they have no record of ever publishing such a statement. And while you are at it, if Warren’s book is first, who came in second, third, tenth? I would think as a Christian that you would want to trust but verify. As such a boast would make your similar statement about the popularity of Rick Warren’s book (about 2 minutes in) at:

    [audio src="" /]

    also untrue. I am surprised you, as an author, would not know that statement is farfetched and unbelievable. And where is the proof and citation that Warren’s book is even “the most popular book in the world apart from the Bible” 2:24 minutes in? Who told you that? Did you verify that?

    I look forward to your prompt response.

    Sincerely in Christ,

    James Sundquist

    I demolish the stronghold of Steve Sizer in this new film documentary:


    My DVD is mostly devoted to proving the fulfillment of Scripture Prophecy (Old and New Testaments) and the future of Israel and Greater Israel.

    It was just released and is now available at:

    I look forward to your response and commentary.

    Sincerely in Christ,

    James Sundquist

  8. I find Burge’s assessments of Zionism and the Christians who support it uncritically to be right on. Are you folks blind and deaf? I recommend that you take another look at what justice means in the biblical context and consider as well that the historical Jesus is One and the Same the High, Holy and Hidden One who will reveal Himself suddenly and that without remedy. What do you think will stand and what will fall when that day arrives?

    I was in the U. S. Marines from 1980-86 and I came to view the contemporary Israeli State as a complete embarrassment to the world community with the crimes and atrocities they have visited upon the Palestinian people (remember the refugee camps at Shatila and Sabra?). If any man among you views such actions as these and all that have occurred since 1948–keep the holocaust in view when you consider it–as the just actions of a people of God, I suggest you get your heads out of your asses and think some more.

    I have another idea for you: All of you should emigrate to Israel and join the IDF. Get a taste for yourself and stop yapping about it.

    Shame on you all for causing the Name of God and His Christ to be blasphemed around the world. The LORD rebuke you.

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