Ulf Ekman hails the Pope at festival in Madrid.

Swedish Lutheran priest turned Word of faith Preacher wants to unite the Church with Rome.

Ulf Ekman is a deceiver of the flock.

Ulf Ekman claims that Roman Catholics who pray in tongues are “born again Christians”. It does not matter if their call the Pope “Holy Father”, or bow down and kisses statues of saints and Madonnas.

Ekman and his wife went to Madrid to feel the anointing during the World Youth day.  The Upsala based preacher and pastor mobilizer wrote and article in the Swedish online magazine “Verden i dag”.
The Swedish Charismatic leader, is very existed over the Pope and his flock.

  “This is a gigantic mobilization of faith for next generation”, claims Ekman.

  “There is a large spiritual longing for repentance, and go deeper into Jesus, and confess sins that are a burden. This festival is a gigantic event, where they can confess their faith and grow in freedom in Christ”.

Ekman seems to be very exited in regards to the Pope, and his ability to lead people towards salvation.

“What can we say, when one million youth surrender and promises to go into the word and preach Christ, to re-evangelize Europe?
I guess we can at least say “Amen Halleluja”?

“The words of the Pope had its way” May the love of Christ burn in your heart. Let His words comfort you and lead you in your life”.

Source: Verden i dag

My comment:

It is now more than years since I warned Lutherans and Pentecostals in Norway, that Ulf Ekman is a false teacher.

His mission is to lead a Charismatic revival, that will deceive the Church to return to Rome.

The latest piece of journalism from Ulf Ekman, is a proof that I was right.

There is no longer any critical remarks left from Ekman. He is ready to the walk back to Rome, and submit to the Papacy.

If Ekman do not repent, He will surely have to spend eternity in Hell. The pastors in Scandinavia this man have deceived, better pay attention to this warning.

Show Ekman the exit from your congregation. If your pastor do not listen, you better dust your feet and leave your self.

Written by Ivar

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