Obama: “Only a small Israel can be allowed to live in peace ”

Gamal Helal: President Obama supports the Arab viewpoint, that Israel must be reduced in size to be allowed to live in “peace”.

Gamal Helal has for many years guided US Presidents in how to relate to Arabs who wants to destroy Israel.

Gamal Helal is a former adviser to US presidents on Middle East affairs, told the Arabic newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat that what Obama has done is adopt the Arab line concerning negotiations.

Helal noted that for the Arabs – from the Egyptians to the Jordanians to the Palestinians – the 1967 borders have always been the starting point for any peace process, since they don’t believe they should lose any territory as a result of their past efforts to destroy Israel.

“The US stance in all the past years has been to agree to the solutions agreed by the sides through the negotiations without the United States stipulating anything so that this stipulation would not be an obstacle at the negotiations,” said Helal.

He continued: “This new thesis, which President Obama presented in his Thursday’s speech, supports the Arab viewpoint, and is a basic hindrance for the Israeli side, which links the size of Israel before 1967 to the ability to defend it, as the Israelis say that if Israel is of small area, it will be difficult to defend it.”

Source: Israel Today.

5 thoughts on “Obama: “Only a small Israel can be allowed to live in peace ”

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  1. Obama you evil man you. Don’t you realize what the Almighty will do to you and your pride. You may conquer for a season but will spend eternity in the lake of fire!!! The devil has entered your heart and has deceived you mightily, you will be with him soon!

    1. Khatib,

      Let us pray for Obama that Jesus Christ touches his heart and that he accepts Jesus Our King, for he comes soon.


  2. Such discipline needed as we see and hear of the things going on in the World and especially Israel also. Yet as hard is it at times appear to be, it can choke The Word in us so that Christ would be of none effect …sad but true! Much prayer constantly for all, is a must not only for others, but for ourselves as well that we be not tempted to get caught up in the cares of the World! But rather stay faithful and continue this spiritual battle against all forces of evil. From ignorance to down right hatefulness of leaders with no agenda but their own. They could care less about Christians and Israel only the gain they think they’ll get with these enemies of The Cross and enemies of Israel. When they themselves are also pawns of Satan. Pharaoh being raised up by God to show forth His Glory, I don’t doubt these who are raised up in this day and age also, are just as puffed up as Pharaoh was in his hatred to destroy the Hebrews and return them to being slaves!!

  3. Why bring up such racist comments? Listen and reread what the 3 of you wrote above and you will discover you sound like the KKK. Politics and religion should be two seperate issues. We should accept each other regardless of our religion. You need to rethink your views and read more. That should help you understand and be more accepting to others. I feel so sorry for you and the people who think like you.

  4. ~~~~~~~~>We should accept each other regardless of our religion. You need to rethink your views and read more. That should help you understand and be more accepting to others. I feel so sorry for you and the people who think like you.<~~~~~
    This sounds like ''Don't do as I do, do as I say''…Hogspit!! if you really believe what you spout from that demonic mouth, you'd ''be ACCEPTING OF WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS AND NOT WHAT the word of Satan says…The real truth in your statement is…you need to Repent dear, and Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ. The day you meet your maker, I do pray it will be a glorious one instead of what the Rich man found out…too late!! There is no water in Hell for your thirst! Many say people will miss and cry out for Jesus in Hell, yet The Scriptures shows us that they are just as 'self-centered' in Hell as they were on Earth…The Rich man 'first only wanted ''to use'' the Poor man for his own gratification and wants. He cried out for 'water, to satisfy his thirst…it wasn't for I want you Jesus …then he asked for one to be sent to his brothers to keep them out of hell…was that a sincere request Only God knows…it certainly wasn't his first 'Request'!! So your first request will be the same…''all about you''…for others to stop being a STOP SIGN in your presence so you can continue to deny The Lord of Glory and His Righteousness …sad …you're also denying His Great Merciful love for you too…sad, truly sad…

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