Swedish Bishop: “We are building Church and Mosque under same roof”

We will strengthen a shared feeling of belonging and trust in God’s house by building a Christian church and a mosque under one roof.

They both claim to know god, and will worship in the same building.

This is a written statement by Bengt Wadensjö, a bishop in the Lutheran church of Sweden, in Svenska Dagbladet, a leading Swedish daily.

“I want to highlight a completely different image of Sweden,” he writes contrasting this unique project with the fact that the xenophobic Sweden Democrat party won 20 seats in the parliament”, explains the Bishop..

The new joint center of worship will be built in Nacka municipality east of Stockholm, and house a Lutheran church, a Catholic church and an Islamic mosque.

Bishop Wadensjö recalls that the leader of the Sweden Democrat party last year claimed that “the Muslims are the biggest foreign threat.” This is however not the case in Nacka, the bishop writes.

Swedish Lutheran Bishop Bengt Wadensjö

We see them as an asset. We have worked for several years … towards integration and living together as good neighbors. (…) For the past few years, we have had a discussion about Nacka’s parish in the /Lutheran/ Swedish church, St. Konrad’s catholic parish in Nacka and the Islamic association in Fisksätra /a suburb/ about building a joint House of God.

The people of Nacka are about to get a church and a mosque as good neighbors under one common roof.”

A model of the planned center of worship shows a mosque and a church side by side, unified by a joint foyer,” he continues.

There will be a common space with space for both the Lutheran church and the Roman-Catholic church to follow their separate liturgical traditions, while the mosque will be an open forum for Muslims and friends.

“The goal is to make a joint manifestation of shared belonging independent of faith, culture and language,” he writes, adding that there are “ignorant people within both Christianity and Islam,” but rejects the notion that extremists in either side represent either religions.

The proposed religious center in Nacka will be unique, but it is not the first time a church has shared space with a mosque. Bishop Wadensjö points to the Ummayad Mosque as an example from the 7th century. The Grand Mosque of Damascus was originally a Christian basilica dedicated to John the Baptist, but became a dual-use house of worship after the Muslim conquest of Damascus in 634.

“The goal of the project is not to blend the faiths and not to proselytize. It strives to give more chances for people of different religious traditions to meet, contribute to a positive development in Fisksätra and demonstrate that religion can be a unifying force in the local society.”

“Word history is created in Fisksätra. World peace begins in Fisksätra,” the bishop concludes his article.

(Fisksätra is a development in Nacka municipality with 7 000 inhabitants, many of which are immigrants.)

Source: English blog.

Source: Swedish newspaper

My comment.

To have a Church and a Mosque in the same building, is just the first move in the devilish plan to merger all the Worlds religions into One end time religion.

The Swedish Bishop bluntly says that this is a way to bring peace.

But there can not be true peace, outside of the truth. Islam denies the divinity of Jesus, says He was only a mortal man. The Koran explains that “allah” do not have a begotten equal Son to Him self. Neither do the Koran address God as our Father.

The merger of a Church and a Mosque in Sweden, is just another proof that the end time movement of the Church of antichrist is expanding. At the end there will no longer be two parts of this building. They will all worship in the same hall, praising a “god” that will not be willing to listen to their universal non sense.

When the true Messiah Jesus of Nazareth returns, this Lutheran Bishop and His Catholic and Islamic partners will end up in the same place as Satan who has deceived them. This eternal end station will be a burning lake of fire.

Not only the Bishops and Imam’s will be judged and perish. Hell is the final destination for everyone who reject Jesus as God the Son, the only way to our Father in Heaven.

12 thoughts on “Swedish Bishop: “We are building Church and Mosque under same roof”

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    1. Islam, Christianity and Judaism are three religions which are monotheistic. This means that, as we all know, Muslims, Christians and Jews worship to one God and the same God. They do not reject one another as God`s religion. Kuran came chronologically as the last one and it does not reject Jesus as one of the God`s prophets. Same is true for Mohammed and Moses. I appreciate this attempt and congratulate the bishop and imam in Sweden.

  1. Here in Canada during Ramadan, a United Church (denomination) in my city let the Muslims borrow their facility so that there would be enough places for the Muslims to pray 5 times a day. The United Church claimed it was to promote peace, unity and brotherhood! So many have been deceived!

    1. Dear Yvonne.

      Shalom, and welcome to this site.

      Thanks for this information. Can you please send me a link on email, so I can publish this story.


      May Jesus the Messiah bless you and use you on Earth till He takes you home to Heaven.

  2. When Christians and Moslems unite they are called Ramadan Christians. The White House even celebrates Ramadan. The One World Religion is moving quickly into place before the anti-Christ arises.

  3. What is wrong with you people? Islam, Christianity and Judaism are three religions which are monotheistic. This means that, as we all know, Muslims, Christians and Jews worship to one God and the same God. They do not reject one another as God`s religion. Kuran came chronologically as the last one and it does not reject Jesus as one of the God`s prophets. Same is true for Mohammed and Moses. I appreciate this attempt and congratulate the bishop and imam in Sweden.

    1. Daniel,

      The bible is clear on who will have eternal life, and who will not. and I believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior. You post that the Muslims worship the same God as I do. I don’t believe they believe in Our True and Only Reigning King, Jesus Christ.

      John 8:24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am [the one I claim to be], you will indeed die in your sins.”

  4. vilka vill vara med och stoppa bygget av en moské-kristen kyrka, med svenska medborgares medfinansierande av ett självglorifierande samarbete mellan en biskop, en toppolitiker och en IMAM, samt rekommendera alla era vänner att se filmen “under moskéns täckmantel”, den är ett MÅSTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Esselamualeikum
    I believe, as a practicing muslim, we share more common things with other people of Message which unify us than separate us. We believe in one God and we have common ancestors and history (For ex Profet Abraham) and common moral and ethical values. We have a responsibility to our young people in the community that we work towards peace and cooperation than conflicts. I think God would not wish nothing more than that. It is a good initiative taken by wise humans.

    Ett mycket bra initiativ. Vi tror på en enda gemensam Gud och vi alla är Abrahams barn. Vi har en gemensam historia i grunden och etiska och moraliska värderingar. Tack för dessa visa människor som tar dessa initiativ. Vi är sklydiga våra barn en fredlig jord.

  6. sorry kermal but you deny jesus as god and savior and you religion kills people in the name of the false god of muslim and his pedophile prophet mohammed

  7. As a Christian, nothing gets me sadier than coming here and seeing my brothers in Christ saying those words of wrath. Is that what Jesus came to teach us? Wrath, intolerance and eternal damnation? You may disagree with me, since God gave us free will, but I believe Jesus came to teach us about love, acceptance and redemption. And I trully believe that the union of different people, putting their differences apart, and just trying to make this world a better world is a right way to do it.
    Jesus told us “love your neighbor as yourself” and not “hate your neighbor”…
    Besides, if nothing said can change your beliefs, I let this last word of Jesus: “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies”

    Peace, my friends, and have a good night 🙂

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