Obama: The World will force Israel if Mideast peace talks fail

President Obama will arrange an international summit on achieving Mideast peace, if the talks between Israel and Arab Palestinians fail.

Gorden Brown and Brack Hussein Obama are the two world leaders in the free World that keeps on harming the interests of the state of Israel.

This is confirmed by senior Israeli officials on Thursday to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. U.S. President Barack Obama has told several European leaders that if Israeli-Palestinian talks remain stalemated into September or October, he will convene an international summit on achieving Mideast peace.

The officials said the conference would be run by the Quartet of Middle East peacemakers – the United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia – in a bid to forge a united global front for creating a Palestinian state. The summit, they said, would address such core issues as borders, security arrangements, Palestinian refugees and the status of Jerusalem.

Obama is determined to exert his influence to establish a Palestinian state, the officials said, and several European leaders have vowed that the EU would support any peace plan proposed by Washington. Therefore, though so-called proximity talks are set to start in the coming weeks, Obama is already readying for the possibility that the indirect Israeli-Palestinian talks might reach a dead end.

The U.S. proposal would likely be presented by the end of this year, the officials said.

Source. Israeli Newspaper Haaretz.

My comment:

The Obama Administration is putting Israel in the hot seat. The message is a gift to Hamas and Al Fatah.

«Just keep on sabotaging the peace process, and Uncle Sam will take over and force Israel to accept your demands without more debate».

Why talk, when Obama already seems to have the answers and the solution?

The US has stopped demanding anything from what Obama has expressed as «the peaceful and great religion of Islam». There is no demands of a recognition of the state of Israel, renouncement of violence as a political tool, and the acceptance of previously reached agreements.

The force of Israel is a Biblical move by Obama. Unfortunately for Him, he sides with the last antichrists in bid to dismantle the Jewish state. The plan will be foiled by the return of the Messiah, and Obama and his followers will be judged and sent to exile in a hot place where there will be no end to their pain and misery. The Bible explains this to be Hell, the final destination for people ho have become enemies of God of the Bible.

Zechariah 12: 1-3

On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.

(end of scripture).

Please make up your mind, and do not end up on the wrong side.

3 thoughts on “Obama: The World will force Israel if Mideast peace talks fail

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  1. I have mixed feelings about this. As a Christian, I hate to see Israel and God’s chosen people on the auction block. But El Shaddai, Almighty God, has known since the beginning of time how this would all play out, and who the players are. As for myself, I will serve the Lord. When I pray, I pray for God’s favor and safety on the people of Israel and the state of Israel. I also pray for the salvation of Barack Obama, his wife and kids, and the leaders of the countries who are allied against Israel. I hope it is not too late for them.

    1. Dear Rick.

      Shalom, and welcome to this site with a fresh comment.

      Thanks for praying for Israel and the Jewish people. Thanks also for praying for Barack Obama. We who believe in the horror`s of Hell, have no one to loose. We cant even think of our worst enemies ending up in the lake of fire together with Satan and all his dark angels.

      The purpose of life, and our faith is the salvation of our souls for eternity. Jesus saves. We have to be concerned about people being saved or not.

  2. 1 John 5:16

    If any one sees his brother committing what is not a mortal sin, he will ask, and God will give him life for those whose sin is not mortal. There is sin which is mortal; I do not say that one is to pray for that.

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