Cartoon of the day: # 193

A good Cartoon often tells the story in a better way than 1000 words.


Hamas rockets have killed 44 Israelis in six years

Rockets from Gaza have killed 44 Israelis and crippled 1687 since Hamas declared “independence” in 2006.

The Hamas keep on sending rockets into Southern Israel, in a bid to destroy the Jewish state.

Hamas’ weapons arsenal is growing with the new and advanced Iranian made Fajr-3, Katyushas/Grads, anti-tank missiles, and heavy mortars. 
  Over the past 6 years, Hamas rocket fire has killed 44 innocent Israeli civilians and injured a staggering 1,687.

Source: The IDF

My comment:

The Israeli Government promised the Jewish homeland peace, when the IDF destroyed Jewish properties in Gush Katif in Gaza in 2005.

The idea was that when Gaza is turned into a “Jew free zone”, the Arabs will chose peace, and starts to develop their sociality and submit to human rights.

Naive, secular and disconnected religious people believed the message.

After a year, the people in Gaza revolved against the US and UN backed Puppet regime of the PLO. The Iranian controlled Hamas took over in a bloody cue.

Today we can see the fruits of this political mistake of Jerusalem.

 Daniel 12:1
[ The End Times ] “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.

 Luke 21:23
How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people.

Are the Israeli government going to commit the same mistake in the Jewish districts of Judea and Samaria as they did in Gaza?

Written by Ivar

India offers 10 USD billion aid to the eurozone

India on Tuesday committed to extend a USD 10 billion lifeline to help ailing Eurozone countries grappling with a sovereign debt crisis.

Sonia Gandhi is a born Catholic from Italy. Now she and PM Manmohan Singh gives Europe some financial aid.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh announced India’s contribution to the International Monetary Fund’s $456 billion bailout corpus at the G-20 summit at the Mexican resort of Los Cabos.

India’s commitment is part of the BRICS funding estimated to be around $75 billion, out of which China’s contribution will be USD 43 billion. Like India, Brazil and Russia pledged USD10 billion each, while South Africa offered $2 billion.

Source: The Times of India

My comment:

It must be a great feeling for all Indians, that India finally offers the helpless Europeans some financial aid.

For hundreds of years, the colonial European powers burned, crippled and killed Indians, in a bid to control this nation who accounts for 1,2 billion souls.

The Kingdom of Portugal and Spain were in union during their onslaught on India. This kingdom represented one of the colonial powers who committed most crimes against humanity in India.

The worst part of the Roman Catholic onslaught on India took place from 1498 to around 1520. Their criminal activities  kept hundreds of millions of people in India away from the living God, Jesus of Nazareth. The Indians could simply not phantom that such evil could represent the Messiah who walked in Israel 2.000 years ago.

The Portuguese attacked and burned almost all ancient Jewish settlements on the west coast of India. On their onslaught on Goa in November 1510, they massacred more than 6.000 people within three days. From 1560 to 1812, more than 16.000 people are arrested, and condemned during the Inquisition of Goa. In the hundreds, Jews, Hindus, and Thomas Christians were burnt at stake.

Indians who refused to accept Catholics from Portugal as Christians were right. Such criminals had absolutely nothing to do with Biblical Christianity. They were all filled with the spirit of antichrist.

If Europe ever is going to pay back what they destroyed or stole in India up to its independence in 1947, the bill would be in tens of trillions USD.

It is my prayer, that the Nation of India will understand the difference between the antichrists among us, and a Jew called Yeshua. That the Indians will be given a chance to repent, and be baptized. May they be found in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Written by Ivar

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