Arabs to strengthen racist boycott of Jewish state of Israel

Representatives of 16 Arab states convened in Damascus last week for a conference aimed at strengthening the decades-old Arab economic and trade boycott of Israel.

When will the International community penalize the Arab League for their racist boycott of Israel
When will the International community penalize the Arab League for their racist boycott of Israel?

The annual event brought together regional Arab League boycott liaison officers from participating Arab countries, as well as representatives of the Palestinians and the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

Although the Arab League has its headquarters in Cairo, the organization’s Office for the Boycott of Israel has been based in the Syrian capital since its establishment in 1951.

Speakers at the conference stressed the importance of enforcing the embargo on Israel as a means of applying pressure to the Jewish state.

Arab League Assistant Secretary General for Palestine Affairs Mohammed Subaih said the boycott is necessary “to confront Israel’s aggression and crimes” and he thanked the conference’s Syrian hosts for their support.

Muhammad al- Tayyeb Busala’a, who serves as commissioner general of the Arab League’s Central Bureau for the Boycott of Israel, denounced what he termed “the persistent Zionist aggression” and said that the Jewish state should be held accountable for its “war crimes”.

In recent years, enforcement of the boycott has waned. Some Arab League members, such as Egypt and Jordan, ceased applying it after signing peace treaties with Israel, while others, such as Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia, do not enforce it.

Other Arab states, such as Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, continue to bar entry to goods made in Israel or those containing Israeli-made components.

Source: Jerusalem Post.

My comment:

If the Jews boycott the Muslim World, it would correctly be branded as racism.  And when the Muslim World boycott the Jewish nation, it is and will forever be racism.

Its not possible for the state of Israel to boycott the «Muslim World». Simply because Israel than had to boycott it self. The state of Israel have two million Arab citizens, the large majority of them Muslims. They enjoy full civil rights in the Jewish state, and have the highest per capita income in the Arab World.

One of the best example of the racist policy of the Muslim World, is their relations to the Israeli Airliner El Al. The airliner is not permitted to even fly over nations like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan.

Shame on the International community that does not act against such injustice.

Moses, the Patron Saint of Washington

Moses appears to be the patron saint of Washington. At the Supreme Court, the biblical prophet sits at the center of the structure’s east pediment; he appears in the gallery of statues leading into the court and in the south frieze of the chamber.

Moses rules in the center of the Supreme Court in Washington.
Moses rules in the center of the Supreme Court in Washington.

The Ten Commandments are displayed on the courtroom’s gates and doors. Similarly, the House of Representatives meets in a chamber ringed by 23 marble faces, including those of Hammurabi and Napoleon. Eleven look left; 11 look right. They all look toward Moses in the middle, the only one facing forward. Moses stands in the Library of Congress. He appears in front of the Ronald Reagan Building. Images of his tablets are embedded in the floor of the National Archives.

More than any other figure in the ancient world, Moses embodies the American story. He is the champion of oppressed people; he transforms disparate tribes in a forbidding wilderness into a nation of laws; he is the original proponent of freedom and justice for all. The Pilgrims, a band of Protestant outcasts who felt oppressed by the Church of England, saw themselves as fulfilling the biblical story of the Israelites, the descendants of Abraham who were enslaved in Egypt and freed by Moses, then journeyed toward the Promised Land. When the Pilgrims set sail on the Mayflower in 1620, they carried Bibles emblazoned with Moses leading his people to freedom.

In 1751, the Pennsylvania Assembly chose a quote from the five books of Moses for its statehouse bell – the future Liberty Bell: “Proclaim Liberty throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants Thereof – Levit. XXV 10.” The writer is the author of America’s Prophet: Moses and the American Story.

Source: Washington Post

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